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Sonya Stefan

Interprète, Vidéaste, Chorégraphe

dance documentary + audiovisual performance + contemporary dance

Sonya Stefan is a Canadian media and dance artist who incorporates glitchy analogue techniques such as 16mm and VHS, looped light refractions, and dance films into her work. Sonya has received two awards for her work entitled  The Truss Arch  : the 2021 Best National Medium-Length Film Award at the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) and the 2022 Best Artwork and Experimentation Award at the Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma. Her film was nominated for Best Short Documentary at the 2022 Iris Awards and screened at the prestigious Ann Arbor Film Festival.

During her residency with ArtlabPro in Argentina, Sonya collaborated with sound artist Lain-9 to present a new work titled IK Pegasi, created in one month using Touch Designer. She collaborated with multimedia dance company Animals of Distinction and experimental music group Group A from Berlin, composed of Tommi Tokyo and Sayaka Botanic. Sonya Stefan is currently researching a new dance documentary titled The Feeling Behind, which focuses on the 25th anniversary of Newton Moraes Dance Theatre. In partnership with artist Stephanie Castonguay, their collective Technologies of Consciousness was the first-ever artist-in-residence at the Biosphère in Montreal, researching bioplastics for a new work titled  The Intimacy of Strangers .

www.sonyastefan.com | http://www.technologies-of-consciousness.com