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Alanna Kraaijeveld

Interprète, Enseignant.e, Chercheur.se, Chorégraphe, Dramaturge, Répétiteur / directeur des répétitions

Alanna Kraaijeveld is a dancer who performs, improvises, instructs and creates.  Her approach is centered on context driven, collaborative practices.  She is curious about how specificity of relationship has potential to motivate intention, movement and meaning.  She embraces improvisation, and is compelled by its dynamic capability.  She makes space for both plainness and blurriness in her art.  She has been practicing for twenty years and is excited to keep going.

I am compelled and driven by the labour of work and study.  This is ultimately what draws me to art.  I have conviction for plain ideas and find them worthy of my / our investment.   I love to laugh.  To make connections – with concepts, with others – is what keeps me coming back to the dance studio and the humans that move there: they engender direction, confusion, exposure, softness, suspension, rigor…