Membership Policy 2022-2023

Marie-Pier Morin, Francis B. Goldberg and Eliane Jacques, in Les Moires, by Chantal Caron C.M. © Jean-Sébastien Veilleux
The RQD Membership Policy was unanimously adopted by the RQD Board of Directors on February 21, 2018.
In this document, the masculine gender indicates both sexes, with no discrimiation intended.
The RQD welcomes dance professionals of all types, origins, backgrounds, and physical and intellectual conditions.
There are four RQD membership categories:
1. Professional Individual Member
2. Apprentice Member
3. Professional Corporate Member
4. Associate Member
Criteria applicable to all member categories
All members must meet the definition and eligibility requirements of their category, and submit the required supporting documents. All membership applications may be submitted to a qualified peer committee to verify compliance.
The RQD membership period begins July 1 and ends June 30, even in the case of late enrolment.
A charge of $50 will apply to all returned or NSF cheques.
Special Cases
Those who do not meet all the RQD membership criteria, but consider themselves dance professionals, may contact the RQD at 514-849-4003, ext. 224.
Persons newly arrived in Canada are invited to submit a membership application (including a detailed CV and a letter of presentation) and to contact the RQD if they have any questions concerning the recognition and equivalency of experiences and competencies acquired abroad. A personalized evaluation of their file will be carried out to determine their membership status.
1.1. Definition
Those eligible for the RQD’s Professional Individual Membership include:
All dance artists working in a professional setting who are recognized by their peers, and whose artistic practices are their principal activity or are in the process of becoming so. They are paid for their activities and meet the eligibility requirements set out in Article 1.2.
All other individuals working in dance in a professional setting, and whose practices constitute their principal activity or are in the process of becoming so. They are paid for their activities and meet the eligibility requirements set out in Article 1.2.
The Professional Individual Member category is comprised of eight (8) subcategories:
a) Researcher For exemple : teacher of dance history, analysis, aesthetics or theory; trade journalist; research assistant; dance documentation manager, etc.
b) Choreographer
c) Designer For exemple : stage designer, video artist, lighting designer, costume designer, make-up artist, composer, etc.
d) Instructor
e) Dancer
f) Accompanying musician
g) Rehearsal master/director
h) Cultural worker For exemple : stage manager, production manager, development officer, administrator, etc.
1.2. Eligibility
To be eligible for one of the eight (8) subcategories of Professional Individual Membership, candidates must meet the following conditions.
General requirements:
a) be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident or hold a work permit (student or tourist visas are not acceptable) and reside in the province of Québec;
b) have completed a basic training program or the equivalent in their area of specialization;
c) have a minimum of two (2) years of relevant experience in a professional setting;
d) complete a membership or renewal application using the proper form, and pay the membership fee.
Specific requirements:
a) In the case of dancers, be recognized by their peers (artists from the same artistic family) and have taken part in at least eight (8) paid professional performances since the start of their professional career.
b) In the case of choreographers, be recognized by their peers (artists from the same artistic family) and have created at least two (2) works for which payment was received and which were performed by paid dancers. The choreographed works, in all, must total a minimum of 50 minutes.
c) In the case of instructors, have accumulated at least 180 hours of paid instruction.
d) In the case of designers, be recognized by their peers (artists of the same artistic family) and have collaborated on at least two (2) dance works for which they received payment, which were presented by a third party and performed by paid dancers.
e) In the case of rehearsal master/directors, be recognized by their peers (artists of the same artistic family) and have collaborated on at least two (2) dance works for which they received payment, which were presented by a third party and performed by paid dancers.
1.3. Supporting documents
When first applying for membership in this category or requesting a change of subcategory, applicants must provide the following documents:
a) a detailed CV containing the following information (according to the subcategory requested): training; employers; dates, duration and nature of activities; title, dates and duration of dance performances; production and presentation details; number of hours and weeks worked annually in their particular field;
b) a copy of the diploma in dance or a discipline related to the subcategory requested (Diploma of College Studies or university diploma in dance, diploma from a dance school offering initial advanced training, teaching certificate from the Ministère de l’éducation du Québec, diploma in administration, etc.);
a detailed training curriculum for those without diplomas;
Instructors who are members in good standing of the Association québécoise des enseignants de la danse à l’école (AQEDÉ) are not required to provide their academic records;
c) copies of contracts or letters of agreement establishing that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria set out in Article 1.2. [See model certification of paid services]
d) in the case of dancers and choreographers, a document attesting to peer recognition
e) in the case of foreign citizenship, a copy of a Work Permit or Permanent Resident Card.
1.4. Rights and Benefits
Individual professional members are entitled to:
a) participate in all RQD activities;
b) participate in member meetings, and exercise the right to vote;
c) hold administrative positions within the RQD;
d) benefit from the privileges and discounts offered to RQD members;
e) benefit from the services of representation, consultation, professional development and promotion of the discipline;
f) receive financial assistance and CNESST coverage during training not governed by a work contract (reserved for those who qualify for the Dancer Training Support Program);
g) benefit from an extensive network of contacts, exchanges and information;
h) benefit from the visibility offered by the RQD Membership Directory on the Québec Danse website;
i) post advertisements for shows, training courses, and other events in the Dance Agenda;
j) post advertisements in real time on the Bulletin Board of the Québec Danse website;
k) publish press releases in Fil de presse on the Québec Danse website, which may subsequently appear in the RQD newsletter.
1.5. Membership Fees
In light of the crisis caused by the COVID-19, the RQD offers its members the possibility of choosing the fee rate that best suits their financial reality for their 2022-2023 membership.
$90, $70 or $50
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2.1. Definition
Apprentice memberships are open to all individuals who are professionally involved in dance but have less than two years of related experience or who do not meet the specific eligibility requirements for individual professional members set out in Article 1.2.
The category of Apprentice Member is comprised of eight (8) subcategories:
a) Researcher For exemple : teacher of dance history, analysis, aesthetics or theory; writer specialized in dance; research assistant; dance documentation manager, etc.
b) Choreographer
c) Designer For exemple : stage designer, video artist, lighting designer, costume designer, make-up artist, composer, etc.
d) Instructor
e) Dancer
f) Accompanying musician
g) Rehearsal master/director
h) Cultural worker For exemple : stage manager, production manager, development officer, administrator, etc.
2.2. Eligibility
To be eligible for one of the eight (8) subcategories of Apprentice Membership, all applicants must meet the following conditions.
General requirements:
a) be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident or hold a work permit (student or tourist visas are not acceptable) and reside in the province of Québec;
b) have completed a basic training program or the equivalent in their area of specialization;
c) complete a membership or renewal application using the proper form, and pay the membership fee.
Specific requirements:
a) in the case of an individual without a dance diploma, possess related experience in a professional setting;
b) in the case of a dancer or choreographer, be recognized by their peers (artists from the same artistic discipline).
2.3. Supporting documents
When first applying for membership in this category or requesting a change of subcategory, applicants must provide the following documents:
2.3.1. In the case of an individual with a diploma in dance or a discipline related to the requested subcategory:
a) a detailed CV;
b) a copy of the diploma in dance or the discipline related to the subcategory in question
Instructors who are regular members in good standing of the Association québécoise des enseignants de la danse à l’école (AQEDÉ) are not required to submit their academic records.
c) if not a Canadian citizenship, a copy of a Work Permit or Permanent Resident Card.
2.3.2. In the case of an individual without a diploma in dance or a discipline pertaining to the requested subcategory:
a) a detailed CV containing the following information (according to the subcategory requested): training; employers; dates, duration and nature of activities; title, dates and duration of dance performances; production and presentation details; number of hours and weeks worked annually in one’s field;
b) a detailed training record.
Instructors who are regular members in good standing of the Association québécoise des enseignants de la danse à l’école (AQEDÉ) are not required to submit their academic record.
c) copies of contracts or letters of agreements establishing that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria set out in Articles 2.1. and 2.2; [See model certification of paid services]
d) in the case of dancers and choreographers, a document attesting to peer recognition
e) if not a Canadian citizen, a copy of a Work Permit or Permanent Resident Card.
2.4. Rights and Benefits
Apprentice Members are entitled to:
a) participate in all RQD activities;
b) attend member meetings;
However, this category does not include voting rights or eligibility to hold administrative positions on the RQD Board of Directors.
c) benefit from the privileges and discounts offered to RQD members;
d) benefit from the services of representation, consultation, professional development and promotion of the discipline;
e) receive financial assistance and CNESST coverage during training not governed by a work contract (reserved for those who qualify for the Dancer Training Support Program);
f) benefit from an extensive network of contacts, exchanges and information;
g) benefit from the visibility provided by the RQD Membership Directory on the Québec Danse website;
h) post advertisements for shows, training courses and other events in the Dance Agenda;
i) post advertisements in real time on the Bulletin Board of the Québec Danse website;
j) publish press releases in Fil de presse on the Québec Danse website, which could subsequently appear in the RQD newsletter.
2.5. Membership Fees
In light of the crisis caused by the COVID-19, the RQD offers its members the possibility of choosing the fee rate that best suits their financial reality for their 2022-2023 membership.
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3.1. Definition
Professional Corporate Memberships are open to all non-profit corporations working in a professional setting that call upon or offer services to dance professionals, and that meet the eligibility requirements set out in Article 3.2.
The category of Professional Corporate Member is comprised of seven (7) subcategories:
a) Professional dance association
A corporation whose principal mission is to improve the status of dance professionals and those striving to become dance professionals, to support them in the practice of their art or profession, and represent them.
b) Company
A corporation formed to produce, among other events, dance performances (original or repertory works) and/or cultural mediation activities undertaken by paid professionals. Included in this category are “umbrella” corporations that offer various services to one or more independent choreographers, whose membership is paid directly through their fees.
c) Specialized presenter/event
A corporation formed essentially to present dance performances (original or repertory works), the majority of which are not presented free of charge and involve paid professionals.
d) Multidisciplinary presenter/event
A municipal corporation or other corporation whose mission is to promote the performing arts and whose annual program includes paid professional dance productions (original or repertory works).
e) Dance institution offering advanced training
An institution offering advanced training recognized by Québec’s Ministère de l’éducation or the Ministère de la culture et des communications, leading to a diploma (Technical Program leading to a Diploma of College Studies).
f) University dance department
A university dance department offering advanced training recognized by Québec’s Ministère de l’éducation or the Ministère de la culture et des communications, leading to a diploma (specialized bachelor’s degree in dance).
g) Support and Services Organization
Corporations that offer services, support and activities to dance professionals, thereby contributing to their operations and/or development.
3.2. Eligibility
To be eligible for one of the seven (7) subcategories of Professional Corporate Membership, all corporations must meet the following conditions.
General requirements:
a) be legally constituted under Québec or federal law and based in Québec;
b) two individuals must be designated as delegates; in the case of companies, dance schools and presenters/events, the artistic or pedagogical director must be among these delegates;
c) complete a membership or renewal application using the proper form, and pay the membership fee.
Specific requirements:
a) for each of subcategories (b), (c) and (g), the organization or one of its founders must be supported by at least one funding agency for its regular activities (creation, production, presentation, services);
b) for subcategory (d), the organization must be supported by a municipality or funding agency for its regular presentation activities.
3.3. Supporting documents
When first applying for membership in this category, applicants must provide the following documents:
a) a copy of the letters patent of incorporation and general corporate regulations or documents containing this information; in the case of a municipal body, a description of its mandate;
b) a resolution from the board of directors nominating two (2) delegates or, in the case of a municipal body, written confirmation of the same;
c) a copy of the financial statements from the previous year: High-level dance schools, university dance departments and municipal bodies are exempt from this obligation.
d) a list of productions/achievements;
e) in the case of companies, specialized presenters/events and support and services organizations, a proof of receipt of a grant;
f) in the case of high-level dance schools, a proof of receipt of a grant from Québec’s Ministère de l’éducation or the Ministère de la culture et des communications, as well as certification of the number of registered students;
g) in the case of a multidisciplinary presenter/event other than a municipal body, a proof of receipt of a grant;
h) in the case of a professional dance association, a proof of the professional status of all its members.
When renewing a membership, applicants must submit those documents stipulated in clause (a) only if they have been modified.
3.4. Rights and Benefits
Professional Corporate Members are entitled to:
a) benefit from the services of representation, consultation, professional development and promotion of the discipline;
b) apply for coverage under the RQD’s multi-employer group insurance policy for salaried employees of the organization;
c) receive a Letter of Reciprocity to hire foreign workers;
d) benefit from an extensive network of contacts, exchanges and information;
e) benefit from the visibility offered by the RQD Membership Directory on the Québec Danse website;
f) post advertisements for shows, training courses and other events in the Dance Agenda;
g) post advertisements in real time on the Bulletin Board of the Québec Danse website;
h) publish press releases in Fil de presse on the Québec Danse website, which may subsequently appear in the RQD newsletter;
i) allow independent choreographers represented by “umbrella” companies to benefit from the above-mentioned rights and privileges.
Delegates of Professional Corporate Members are entitled to:
a) participate in all RQD activities;
b) attend member meetings and exercise their voting rights;
c) hold administrative positions with the RQD;
d) benefit from the privileges and discounts offered to RQD members;
e) receive financial assistance and CNESST coverage during training not governed by a work contract (reserved for those who qualify for the Dancer Training Support Program).
3.5. Membership Fees
– $250 for annual revenues between $225,001 to $500,000
– $600 for annual revenues between $500,001 and $750,000
– $900 for annual revenues between 750,001 and $1,000,000
– $1,500 for annual revenues between $1,000,001 and $2,000,000
– $2,000 for annual revenues of over $2,000,001
In light of the crisis caused by the COVID-19, the RQD offers its members the possibility of choosing the fee rate that best suits their financial reality for their 2022-2023 membership.
− $160, $125 or $90 for annual revenues between $0 to $225,000
− $250, $205 or $160 for annual revenues between $225,001 to $500,000
− $600, $505 or $410 for annual revenues between $500,001 and $750,000
− $900, $760 or $620 for annual revenues between $750,001 and $1,000,000
− $1,500, $1,280 or $1,060 for annual revenues between $1,000,001 and $2,000,000
− $2,000, $1,750 or $1,500 for annual revenues of over $2,000,001
In light of the crisis caused by the COVID-19, the RQD offers its members the possibility of choosing the fee rate that best suits their financial reality for their 2022-2023 membership.
− $200, $175 or $150 for an annual dance budget between $0 and $500,000
− $400, $350 or $300 for an annual dance budget between $500,001 and $1,000,000
− $800, $700 or $600 for an annual dance budget over $1,000,000
In light of the crisis caused by the COVID-19, the RQD offers its members the possibility of choosing the fee rate that best suits their financial reality for their 2022-2023 membership.
$10, $8,75 or $7,50 per student
d) University dance departments: $400
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4.1. Definition
RQD Associate Memberships are open to any individuals or corporate bodies who belong to the sub-categories below, and who meet the eligibility requirements set out in Article 4.2.
The Associate Member category is comprised of seven (7) sub-categories:
a) Student
All persons enrolled at a dance school recognized by the RQD.
b) RQD Alumni
All persons who were previously RQD members but are no longer, due to a permanent termination of their dance activities or a career re-orientation.
c) Dance association
All dance associations whose chief mission is to bring together, represent and promote dance professionals and amateurs from a particular sector with a view to establishing and regulating standards of practice.
d) CÉGEP offering a dance program
General and vocational college (CEGEP) awarding a DEC in dance.
e) Dance school offering a Dance Studies program
A dance school with a pedagogical director, and whose secondary or college-level students receive a minimum of twelve (12) hours of dance classes per week in a Dance Studies program.
f) Specialized dance school
A corporation offering introductory or specialized dance training, and funded by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec or the Department of Canadian Heritage.
g) Presenter network
A corporation or organization composed of professional Québec or Canadian presenters, whose principal mission is to support the dissemination of the performing arts, particularly dance, and to promote public access.
4.2. Eligibility
To be eligible for one of the seven (7) categories of Associate Membership, candidates must meet the following conditions:
4.2.1. In the case of an individual:
a) be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident or hold a work permit or student visa (tourist visas are unacceptable) and reside in the province of Québec;
b) complete a membership or renewal application using the proper form, and pay the membership fee.
4.2.2. In the case of a corporate body:
a) be legally constituted under Québec or federal law;
b) designate one (1) person as representative;
c) complete a membership or renewal application using the proper form, and pay the membership fee.
4.3. Supporting documents
When first applying for membership in this category, applicants must provide the following documents:
4.3.1. In the case of a student:
a) Proof of enrolment at a school recognized by the RQD.
4.3.2. In the case of a corporate body:
a) a copy of the letters patent of incorporation and general non-profit corporate regulations; for all other associations, a description of its mandate;
b) a brief description of its activities;
c) in the case of a specialized dance school, proof of subsidization by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec or the Department of Canadian Heritage;
d) in the case of a dance school offering a Dance Studies program, proof that it has a pedagogical director and offers its secondary or college-level students a minimum of twelve (12) hours of dance classes per week.
For membership renewal, the documents described in clauses (a) and (d) are required only if they have changed.
4.4. Rights and Benefits
Associate Members or their representatives are entitled to:
a) participate in all RQD activities;
b) attend member meetings (this membership category, however, does not include voting rights or eligibility to hold administrative positions within the RQD Board of Directors);
c) benefit from certain privileges and discounts offered to RQD members;
d) benefit from an extensive network of contacts, exchanges and information;
e) benefit from the visibility offered by the RQD Membership Directory on the Québec Danse website;
f) post advertisements for shows, training courses and other events in the Dance Agenda;
g) post advertisements in real time on the Bulletin Board of the Québec Danse website;
h) publish press releases in Fil de presse on the Québec Danse website;
i) apply for coverage under the RQD’s multi-employer group insurance policy for salaried employees of the organization.
4.5. Membership Fees
a) Students: $15
b) RQD Alumni: $30
c) Dance associations: $200
d) CÉGEPs offering a dance program: $200
e) Dance schools offering a Dance Studies program: $200
f) Specialized dance schools: $200
g) Presenter networks: $200
b) RQD Alumni: $30 or $20
c) Dance associations: $200, $175 or $150
d) CÉGEPs offering a dance program: $200, $175 or $150
e) Dance schools offering a Dance Studies program: $200, $175 or $150
f) Specialized dance schools: $200, $175 or $150
g) Presenter networks: $200, $175 or $150
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