Eligibility and conditions
Eligibility for training
Regional classes: terms and conditions
Courses: terms and conditions
Course assessment
Updated: September 2024
Please note: specific eligibility criteria and terms and conditions apply to the Coup de pouce Program.
Important: RQD training courses are given in French.
Who is eligible for RQD training courses?
- RQD training programs are intended primarily for dance professionals (artists, cultural workers, teachers, managers, designers, etc.), whether they are full-time or part-time employees, self-employed, receiving employment insurance or social assistance, or graduate students (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees, full-time or part-time).
- Temporary foreign cultural workers are eligible if they hold a valid work permit at the time they take one of our courses.
- Professionals from other artistic disciplines can take our courses if there are enough places.
- RQD members are not required to take part in our training courses. However, priority is given to registrations from our members.
- High school and college students (full-time or part-time) are not eligible for RQD training.
- Non-cultural workers and non-cultural professionals are not eligible for RQD training.
RQD regional classes: terms and conditions
Prior registration required
To participate in any of the RQD’s regional classes, you must first register for the current session. There are two sessions per year: fall-winter (period between July 1 and March 31) and spring (period between April 1 and June 30). If you’re moving from one region to another, you’ll need to fill out a separate form for each region.
You must register before attending your first class during the current session. Failure to do so will result in denial of access.
To register:
- Go to our website, on the regional classes page.
- Click on the registration link for the region you are interested in.
- If you are an RQD member, log in as such. Your form will be pre-filled with your personal information from your member area.
- Complete all mandatory fields, then click on “Save”.
Once your registration has been confirmed in a given region, you will be able to drop-in to any class in that region’s session.
Payment for classes must be made on site only.
The payment methods accepted depend on each local promoter. For details, please contact:
- L’Artère inscriptions@larteredanse.ca in Quebec City
- Sursaut reception@sursaut.ca in Sherbrooke
- Danse Laurentides info@danselaurentides.com
Conditions of participation
As studio capacity is limited and drop-ins prevent us from predicting the number of participants, your place cannot be guaranteed. There is therefore a small risk that you may be refused access to a class if studio capacity is exceeded.
To guarantee your place, and to enable the local promoter to record your attendance and collect your payment properly, please arrive at least 15 to 30 minutes before the start of the class. This will allow the class to start on time.
You don’t have to confirm your attendance or justify your absence from an RQD regional class, but under these conditions:
- you must have completed our registration form for the current session, for each region you wish to visit;
- drop-ins must be accepted by the teachers you are interested in (check if this is the case by consulting our website, on the regional class programming page).
Class cancellation
If a class must be cancelled or postponed, the RQD and the local promoter (L’Artère in Quebec City, Sursaut in Sherbrooke and Danse Laurentides) will indicate this as soon as possible on its website and social networks.
RQD courses: terms and conditions
Prior registration required
To take part in any of the RQD training courses, you must complete a registration form for each course you are interested in.
To register:
- Go to our website, on the page of the course you are interested in.
- Click on the “Register” button.
- If you are an RQD member, log in as such. Your form will be pre-filled with your personal information from your member area.
- Complete all mandatory fields, then click on “Register”.
You will receive a registration confirmation by e-mail.
Shortly before the start of a training course for which you are registered, the RQD will send you a reminder e-mail containing useful information.
The payment method offered by our registration platform is by credit card.
If you do not have a credit card, or if you are reluctant to register in advance because payment is required at the time of registration, please write to formation@quebecdanse.org to make an arrangement with us.
At the end of the transaction, our system will issue an invoice as paid. Download it as a receipt.
Cancelling your registration
Cancellation before the start of the course
- You may cancel your registration at any time, without penalty, no later than 48 hours before the scheduled start of the course for which you are registered.
- To cancel your registration, you must notify us by e-mail at formation@quebecedanse.org. Please do so as soon as possible. This allows us to re-launch the promotion of the course if it is not sufficiently successful, or to give someone else the chance to take part if it is popular.
- If you have already paid, we will refund your registration fee, less the commission charged by our payment platform.
Cancellation after the start of the course
If the course has begun and you wish to cancel your participation, the cancellation and refund conditions are as follows, depending on the case:
- For a single-session course: no refund.
- For a multi-session course: no refund.
- For a multi-part course to choose from:
- you must pay the cost of the components you have already completed;
- you must pay a penalty equal to the lesser of $50 or 10% of the cost of the remaining training parts for which you withdraw. For example: you have registered for a five-part course. You want to cancel your registration after the first two parts. Since each component costs $50, you will have to pay $100 for the two completed parts. As for the three remaining parts that you cancel, you’ll have to pay a penalty of $15, which corresponds to 10% of the price of the three remaining parts worth $150. We will reimburse you for the balance of the cost of these three parts.
Not attending a training session? You’ll have to pay, unless you cancel your registration.
If you plan to miss a training session (or one of its parts), follow the instructions on how to cancel your registration.
Course cancellation
- If a training course, one of its sessions or one of its parts has to be cancelled or postponed, the RQD will indicate this as soon as possible on its website and social networks.
- If you are already registered for a course that is subject to cancellation, you will be notified by e-mail. If the cancellation comes at the last minute, you will be contacted immediately by telephone.
Your evaluation of our training courses is essential for analyzing their relevance and maintaining their quality.
Following your participation in an RQD class or training course, we will send you an evaluation form. Thank you for taking the time to complete it.
Any questions?
Daniel Bastien
Director, Professional Development
514 433-3024
The Regroupement québécois de la danse’s classes and training courses are made possible thanks to the financial support of the Quebec government, through the Intervention-Compétences program administered by Compétence Culture.