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Introduction to Dance Therapy Workshop

This workshop is intended for candidates who wish to audition for the Voie Alternative training program, as well as anyone interested in integrating dance and movement as a complementary modality to traditional healthcare. The workshop aims to explore movement and nonverbal expressions as a means of communication and their impact on emotional experiences.

Dance Therapists:

Paula Duffy (R-DMT)
Zuzana Sevcikova (BC-DMT)
Date and Time: September 24 at 6:00 PM
Price: $135 (taxes included)
Duration: 3 hours
Audience: Open to all, ages 16 and up
Prerequisite: Never having participated in a dance therapy session or workshop
Suggested Attire: Comfortable clothing, barefoot or in socks

Please note that priority will be given to candidates wishing to audition for the Voie Alternative training program. A maximum of 30 participants will be admitted to this workshop.

Questions? Contact us at dansetherapie@grandsballets.com