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Workshop | Linda Rabin — CONTINUUM and the In-Between Space

9:30AM to 12:30PM

Studio 303 - 372, rue Ste Catherine Ouest, Montréal

When we bring our attention to stillness and the invisible, what do we experience? What movements arise, what life force emerges?

In this workshop, we will explore the subtlety of the suspended moment between two breaths, the space and sensations between one movement and the next. From micro to macro, we will dive into the in-between space to ride the waves that lead us into the unsuspected intimacy and vastness of our being.

The practice of Continuum facilitates a slowing down in our overloaded daily lives. This way, we can rest and dive into our imagination to awaken creativity.


Guided and self-guided somatic explorations, drawing on a variety of breaths, sounds, and fluid movements.