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Workshop | Corpuscule Danse — Dance and Functional Diversity

12:00PM to 3:00PM

Studio 303 - 372, rue Ste Catherine Ouest, Montréal


Dance and Functional Diversity is a workshop aimed at demystifying and experiencing dance through an inclusive approach. Following the mission of Corpuscule Danse, the workshop focuses on bringing together dancers with and without disabilities, visible or invisible, to reflect on and explore the practice of inclusive dance.

In a horizontal approach of sharing different perspectives, the workshop will be facilitated by four (4) individuals: Joannie Douville, Élise Hardy, Georges-Nicolas Tremblay, and Jessica Cacciatore, who will strive to demonstrate how they adapt their respective knowledge and skills to foster inclusion.


Concretely, the workshop begins with one (1) hour of theory-guided by various questions posed by facilitators and participants. What are my representations of disability? Which terms should be used to address a group with different modes of functioning? How can dance proposals be translated without compromising quality? How do we plan inclusive and fruitful dance situations for everyone, and how do we adjust in real-time? How to articulate constructive feedback and a critical look at inclusive initiatives? Memory aids from the book “An Inclusive Approach to Teaching Dance” will be presented to participants.

This will be followed by two (2) hours of inclusive dance artistic practice where the questions raised will be grounded in each person’s experience. This accessible and supportive practice space will invite us to broaden our perceptions and sensations in movement through improvisation and exploration of the art of being in contact with others and with mobility aids. At the end of this training, participants will be better equipped to reflect on their practice from the perspective of inclusion and accessibility.