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KAI CHENG THOM (TOR) – Loving Justice: Courageous Collaboration Skills

9:30AM to 12:30PM
Services Québec rate: 85$ Non-Eligible Rate: 255$ Drop-in: 19$ / class (or 53$ / class non-eligible rate)* Language of instruction: English Questions can be asked : French Capacity: 23 people Special invitation for cultural workers + Open to artists of a

372 Ste-Catherine St. W. Montreal, H3B 1A2, Montréal


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CONTENT //Skill building and group process around navigating differences in lived experience and opinion. How can artists and cultural workers come together to create compassionate yet challenging spaces? We will explore conflict resolution strategies, somatic tools for emotion regulation, consensus-building, and collective process design techniques. We will honor the lineage and teachings of Transformative Justice and Restorative Justice as paradigms for social change.

ACCESSIBILITY // I am comfortable receiving most clientele groups in my workshops. However, it is important for all of us to feel “safe enough” in this conversation that the participants come willing and ready to talk about situations where conflicts over identity, micro-aggression, and ideological differences have taken place. The idea of having compassion for people who have done hurtful or harmful things will be introduced and talked about in detail. If this would be too triggering for any potential participant, I would suggest that they not attend the workshop at this time.

BIO // Kai Cheng Thom, MSc, MSW, QMed is a mediator, coach, and process facilitator based in Toronto. She works to support individuals and groups who are pursuing transformative change. She is also the author of 5 award-winning books and the developer of the Loving Justice method of conflict transformation.

*This workshop starts on Monday Sept. 5th (labor day). The Belgo Building will be accessible through the Café Crêpe door on the right from the main’s building doors.