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Improvisation Workshop: SEE/SAW

6:00PM to 10:00PM
* 60$ * 42$ reduced-rate is available for equity-seeking community members, please inquire * 1 tuition-free spots are open to those for whom the reduced rate presents a barrier, please inquire

White Wall Studio - 4532 Avenue Laval, Montréal, Tio'tia:ke/Mooniyang/Montreal

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is an improvisation workshop which came together out of admiration for each other’s practices and the curiosity to share our mutual love for improvisation. This workshop aims to honour individuality inside of a collective practice. Like a see-saw, we will focus on exchange. What does it mean to witness and be witnessed inside of our practice? Let’s invite others into our discoveries and practice watching each other with generosity through many portals: eyes, words, breath, doubling…!

A four hour workshop in two parts: In part one, we will warm up the body and exercise our improvisation through guided tasks/games that focus on observing, listening, narrating, and rendering what we perceive through language, gesture, and mark-making. In part two, Syd and Lu will offer more spacious containers for collectivity. There will be a break in the middle for a snack, questions, or a moment of fresh air.

Open to movers from all backgrounds, generations, and skill levels, If you like to move you are welcome!

* 60$
* 42$ reduced-rate is available for equity-seeking community members, please inquire
* 1 tuition-free spots are open to those for whom the reduced rate presents a barrier, please inquire

Wednesday September 25, 2024

White Wall Studio
4532 Avenue Laval,
entrance in cul-de-sac just north of Avenue Mont-Royal
Plateau, Tiohtiå:ke

To register:

(syd) McManus
, originally from London, Ontario, is an interdisciplinary queer artist based in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, Quebec. Their practice revolves mainly around performance, objects, and publications with an emphasis on body object relationships. Having spent over a decade as a performer they worked with RUBBERBAND Contemporary Dance Company from 2016-2021 as a full-time dancer, collaborator, and educator where they were involved in four creations, a film project, and international tours. Their work for the company continues as an assistant, educator and guest artist. Alongside Jean Bui, they premiered their first full-length work “1, 2, maybe 3” as part of the Wildside Festival in March 2022 with La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines and the Centaur Theatre. The project was then expanded into a publication in co-creation with artist duo Pénélope et Chloë and released in October 2022. Most recently, Syd has obtained a Bachelor in Fine Arts with a major in Design from Concordia University. Through their studies, they examined how their background in performance could assist their design practice and research. Syd continues to explore this intersection within their work as they see their practice as a way to bridge these two frames of knowing.



Lucy M. May (she/they) is a dance artist born in Eqpahak/Wolastokuk/Fredericton and based in Tiohtiá:ke/Mooniyang/Montréal since 2003. Her choreographic projects explore the materiality of human attention and our relationships to place and to each other. Improvisation resides at the heart of their work as a dancer, creator, and teacher, nourished by experiences performing with Marie Chouinard, Margie Gillis, Mouvement de passage, and practising since 2018 the street dance Krump. She battles as Pluto aka Ravage Grouch. Across Canada, she has led workshops and classes for such organisations as RQD, Artère, EDCM, Toronto Love-In, Studio 303, Kinetic Studio, Fluid Fest, DansEncorps, Empirical Freedom, and Fada Dance. Interested in alternative ways of transmitting movement knowledge, she co-created the community gatherings Off_Script and Slaughterhaus. Moonlighting as an illustrator, Lu explores the links between their dance and drawing practices.

