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FULL – Production management: managing a project from conception to completion

9:30AM to 12:30PM

Online training

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From conception to realization on stage, there are many steps to take before you can bring your show to the stage. Would you like to learn more about the steps to follow, or what not to overlook?

We’ll cover these crucial steps in this training course, sharing tools to help you determine, step by step, the path to follow in the direction of an artistic project. At the end of the course, you’ll be able to consider the aspects you need to consider to make the most of your time and energy in organizing a project for the stage. It will also give you a few tips on project management in preparation for an eventual tour. The skills that will be taught can be applied to many contexts as soon as an event is being designed.

Finally, participants will learn tips for dealing with the unexpected, and pool their experiences to find solutions to various logistical problems.



  • Understand the key elements of a good production and tour (pre-production, stage costs, insurance, responsibilities).
  • Understand which tools to use to manage a production, and their usefulness (timeline, directory, schedule, budgets).
  • Learn tips for managing the unexpected and solving problems.
  • Evaluate financial, material and human requirements for project design.

Who can benefit from this training?

Artists and cultural workers with little or no experience in production management, or who are just starting out in this field.


Any questions?

Contact Katia-Marie Germain
514 532-1623, #4



Émilie Martel, a graduate of the École nationale de théâtre du Canada, has worked as a production manager in both dance and theatre with several renowned choreographers and directors, including Louise Lecavalier, Louise Bédard, Sylvain Émard, Virginie Brunelle, Caroline Laurin-Beaucage, Martin Messier, Philippe Ducros, and Christian Lapointe. She also assisted opera director Oriol Tomas for over 10 years on local and international productions.

Since 2012, Émilie has developed a close relationship with Création Dans la Chambre and, since 2019, continues the dialogue as general director with the organization’s artistic co-directors Félix-Antoine Boutin, Gabriel Plante, Odile Gamache and Julie Basse.

With a wealth of production experience in dance and theater, Émilie Martel joined forces with La danse sur les routes du Québec in 2017 as production director for Parcours Danse, and then piloted the 2019 edition as co-director of the event.  She is now co-general manager and administrative director with Sibyllines alongside Brigitte Haentjens since 2021, in addition to continuing her collaboration with Création Dans la Chambre.


This training was developed by La danse sur les routes du Québec (La DSR) and trainer Émilie Martel, thanks to financial support from the Intervention-Compétences program of Compétence Culture, comité sectoriel de main d’œuvre en culture. Is it offered in collaboration with the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD).

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