Introduction to Dance Therapy Workshop
This workshop is for candidates who wish to audition for the Voie Alternative training and for anyone interested in integrating dance and movement as a complementary modality to traditional healthcare. It aims to explore movement and non-verbal expressions as a means of communication and their impacts on emotional experiences.
Dance Therapists:
Paula Duffy (R-DMT)
Zuzana Sevcikova (BC-DMT)
Date and Time: September 24 at 6:00 PM
Price: $135, taxes included
Duration: 3 hours
Audience: Open to everyone, ages 16 and up
Prerequisite: Must not have previously participated in a dance therapy session or workshop
Suggested Attire: Comfortable clothing, barefoot or with socks
Please note that priority will be given to candidates who wish to audition for the Voie Alternative training. A maximum of 30 people will be admitted to this workshop.
Questions? Contact us!