This section is reserved for RQD members

We bid goodbye to Nadine Medawar as she takes on a new challenge

We bid goodbye to Nadine Medawar as she takes on a new challenge

Montreal, October 3th, 2023. – It is with emotion that the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) announces the departure of its executive director, scheduled for November 10, 2023. This deeply reflected departure obtains the support of the board of directors, who would like to thank Ms. Medawar for her tenacious work over the last two years and her dedication to the advancement of the sector as well as the RQD.

It is with a very heavy heart that I have decided to take on a new challenge and announce my departure to the board as well as to our team. The RQD is a vector of change and a leading organization in the development of the performing arts. All members of the team work extremely hard to defend dance professionals for whom I have great admiration. The dance sector is precious for Quebec society and I will always be active in promoting its development. Working for dance at the RQD is a privilege for which I am enormously grateful. I thank the Board of Directors, the members of the RQD and the entire sector for their trust and for welcoming me so warmly among them. We have accomplished great things together. » – Nadine Medawar, executive director of the Regroupement québécois de la danse

Nadine Medawar arrives at the head of the RQD on August 16, 2021 and dives headfirst into several major projects. Post-pandemic recovery, the sectorial master plan, RQD’s strategic plan, or the implementation of a representation policy for the association, to name just a few, Ms. Medawar invests her expertise in several projects including the improvement of working conditions for all actors in the sector. All of her representational work with the various authorities has shown political tact, having greatly contributed to a clear understanding of the issues surrounding the future of the discipline.

Tenacious and empathetic, she oversaw the growth of the Regroupement while having the concerns of the entire community at heart.

Nadine will leave her mark on the Regroupement québécois de la danse, and her contribution will undoubtedly serve the recovery of our community following the pandemic. During her two years with us, Ms. Medawar took the time to listen to us and get in tune with our goals and dreams. Her sensitivity and empathy have allowed her to find her place in the community and bring several important projects to fruition. I would like to, on behalf of the members of the Board of Directors and the entire dance community, thank her warmly for her work and wish her the best of success for the rest of her endeavours. » – Fannie Bellefeuille, chair of the Regroupement québécois de la danse
The members of the Board of Directors are already hard at work with a selection committee to search for the next person who will occupy the seat of executive director. In consultation with Nadine Medawar, the board has also implemented a detailed transition plan which ensures the smooth continuation of files and operations of the RQD.

Consultation: Issues for the Canada Council for the Arts

Dear members and colleagues,

The RQD is meeting with the Canada Council for the Arts on October 20 and would like to consult with the community to take note of priority needs and concerns. We invite you to a sector discussion on the subject, on October 10 from 10am to 12pm. The discussion will be divided into themes, including:

1. Lack of feedback; lack of customer service
2. Solid tours and productions turned down: has the acceptance rate in dance reduced?
4. Multidisciplinary juries: new scales, new approaches to promote dance?
5. Canada Council for the Arts budget cuts
6. Varia

Join us this October 10 at 10am, on zoom, by registering below.


Your RQD team

Annual members meeting 2023

On Thursday, October 26, 2023, from 9am to 4pm, the Regroupement québécois de la danse will hold its annual general meeting as well as its RDVA in hybrid format, at the Atrium des Grands Ballets where a meal will be served. The day will take place in person, with the possibility of attending online to ensure that everyone in Quebec will be able to attend.

I take part in face-to-face
I take part online


Are you a member in good standing of the RQD for the year 2023-2024?

To be able to exercise your voting rights during the AGM, you must have renewed your membership beforehand. Subscribe by October 24, as no applications can be processed the day before or on the day of the AGM for logistical reasons.



Six (6) positions are up for election to serve on the RQD Board of Directors:
  • three (3) in the college of individual members;

  • three (3) corporate members;

The RQD’s Board of Directors aims to bring together complementary expertise and ensure adequate representation of different practice sectors, different organizational forms and artistic, cultural, territorial and generational diversity. The RQD is also looking for people with governance, management and strategy skills to support its actions to revitalize the sector.

Submit my application

To submit your application, we encourage you to complete the form provided for this purpose before October 20 2023 so that we can add it to the list of applications shared with members before the AGM. Otherwise, unsolicited applications are still possible. Don’t wait any longer and apply today!


Would you like to contribute to the advancement of your sector? Join the event team as a volunteer by contacting the mobilization manager Boko Rodrigue.

Echoes from the sector | Enhancing bodily expression through sensory experience by Melia Boivin

Dance invites me to collect clues, to investigate, to discover infinite potential. Lately, I’ve been taming and tasting certain approaches to somatic education that inspire me to think and act differently. This daily quest motivates me to renew myself both personally and professionally. What I acquire by visiting the unknown feeds my thirst for learning and propels me forward in my reflective and creative impulses.

My previous university career in social and cultural anthropology sowed in me this curiosity to research and deconstruct. In my dance practice, I’m challenged by the idea of tracking down the territory of sensations. One of the challenges I face is to put words to my sensitive experience through somatics. I’m then interested in everything that punctuates the process of taming the body in its entirety, adopting a receptive attitude and demonstrating adaptability. Although quite a confronting experience, sometimes even a headache, but never a body-breaker, I’m learning to take care.

As I write these lines, I find myself halfway through my masters studies in somatic education in the Dance Department at UQÀM. It’s in this context, and even during the course of my bachelors in dance (2019-2022), that I’ve been able to rub shoulders with Linda Rabin (Continuum Movement), Mariko Tanabe (Body Mind Centering), Lucie Beaudry (Feldenkrais), Johanna Bienaise (emerging field of ecosomatics) and many other practitioners from other approaches and methods in the discipline. These different encounters have significantly contributed to the development of my practice and my personal emancipation.

In my artistic approach, I seek to enhance bodily expression through sensory experience. I question the direct and indirect effects of a sensation, trying to situate it in its relationship with time, space and other components of the environment. I enjoy going through long improvisation sessions and observing this vast field of possibilities unfolding. I am mainly stimulated by the plural and ephemeral encounters between the body and its sensations. The body’s states are changeable, and the studios, halls or open-air spaces I visit constantly ask me to adjust. Nothing is set in stone. Each context, formal or informal, teaches me a great deal about my strengths and challenges.

My explorations influenced by somatic practices have interested me in the notion of “pattern”, often associated with a negative connotation such as a bad fold or bad habit. I see somatic education as a playground where, through keys such as attention, adaptability and awareness, it’s possible to take action and intervene with ingrained habits. These keys are tools for acting with care and sensitivity on my gestural habits, which are sometimes comfortable or uncomfortable, sometimes appreciated or hated. Somatic approaches enable me to challenge my dance patterns without rejecting them. They are interesting to study because they have a significant influence on our locomotion and posture. They are at the heart of the development of our subjectivity, especially in the context of a performing arts practice where bodily expression is closely linked to our more intimate life baggage. My patterns allow me to constructively question how and why I dance in certain ways. In my view, it’s an invitation to renew my practice. Ah, those “good old habits”, I embrace them more today.

This experience in movement through somatic approaches has helped to instill in me a reflection about how, instinctively, I situate my relationship with the world and how I can let myself be led to see and perceive differently. To question, too, what these encounters with the non-human evoke in me (animals, vegetation, the elements water-air-earth-fire, for example). This invaluable exercise in thought has also enabled me to reflect on who or what I identify with, thus contributing to the sense of belonging I have to somatic approaches, which have come to play a major role in my daily life and in my artistic practice.

Dance has been a part of my daily life for many years, and the movements that surround me seem to stem from an eternal choreography. Dance is a living expression that feels good.

Mélia Boivin

photos credits :

Performance solo à Passerelle 840 – été 2022, exploration tactile et textile © Jeanne Tétreault

Recherche en studio: découvrir l’expression du corps par le toucher © Flore Bibeau


Group Insurance plan for individual members

At RQD, we’re aware of the challenges facing dance professionals in terms of working and practice conditions. That’s why we’ve collaborated with Croix Bleue Medavie to offer a comprehensive insurance plan, specially designed to meet your specific needs.As an individual member, we invite you to discover the benefits of this plan and submit your application via the member area, by September 15, 2023.

Made-to-measure coverage

Enjoy extensive protection in life, health, dental, critical illness, vision, travel insurance, and much more, to give you peace of mind in your artistic practice.

Who is eligible?

You must be an individual professional, apprentice or associate member of RQD and your RQD membership must be active.

How do I join the plan?

Log on to the RQD member area and complete the form with the requested documents. Your privacy is respected; your information will be provided to the insurer only.


The deadline to join is September 15, 2023.

In order to maintain this program, we need at least 100 memberships. Should this minimum number not be reached, the launch of the program may be postponed or cancelled.

Your commitment is essential to help improve practice and working conditions for dance professionals. Together, let’s build a more secure and prosperous future for our artistic community.

Meeting « Empower Hour » Asian Heritage Month with Misheel Ganbold and Sibyl Sunitha

This meeting is an opportunity to meet, listen, learn and move forward together.

The “Empower Hour” sessions offer a unique opportunity to hear stakeholders share their experiences and realities, helping to enrich our collective development.

Friday, May 26 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Register to get the connection link


In this Asian Heritage Month, which celebrates the progress and challenges of Asian communities in Canada, the RQD invited two of its members from these communities for an enriching online exchange. Sibyl Sunitha, a versatile Indian artist with a passion for Bharatnatyam, and Misheel Ganbold, who has built her identity between Mongolia and Canada, will share their unique backgrounds and experiences.

Join us and contribute to the growth of our artistic community!

Celebrate International Dance Day with the dance community!

To celebrate International Dance Day , the Quebec message produced by the Regroupement québécois de la danse aims to celebrate dance, reveal the universality of this art form, overcome political and cultural barriers and bring people together around the common language of dance.

This year, we propose to meet in person and during a Facebook Live for the International Day of Dance to discover together the video.

Join us to celebrate dance, network, learn about the IDD 2023 Quebec Message and meet the artists of the video that will be unveiled !


Participants will be offered a free seat to Ultraviolet, produced by Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, for the Friday, April 28 performance at 8:00 p.m. at Théâtre Maisonneuve, Place des Arts.

Les Grands Ballets

Ultraviolet is an immersive experience that explores the themes of light and darkness through contemporary dance. This innovative production features exceptional dancers, dazzling costumes and mesmerizing music. We’re sure you’ll love this magical evening, which is a tribute to the power and beauty of dance

This event is free and open to all.


See you Friday, April 28, starting at 5:30 p.m.

At the Grands Ballets Atrium
Wilder Space Dance Building
1435 De Bleury Street
1st floor

The program

5:30 p.m.: doors open.

5:45 p.m.: Screening of the Quebec Message for International Dance Day followed by a meeting with the artists who signed the message.

6 p.m.: Cocktail reception (appetizers and glasses of wine offered).

Photos credits : 1. Habiter-nos-mémoires_Marie-Reine-Kabasha © Denis-Martin | 2. GLITCH © DavidWong Marianne-Gignac-Girard | 3. Yvan Couillard | 4. Citlali ED 2022 | 5. Moi,Chiquita © Elias Djemil Matassov | 6. A-TRAVERS-MES-YEUX @Creations-Sabrina Emilie Demers Chloe Ouellet Payeur Myriam Tremblay et Angelique Delorme. | 7. Projet VARIATIONS / Chorégraphe Wynn Holmes / Résidence Espace Ouvert / Artistes Cyndie Gravel, Chad Concepcion, Naomi Hilaire / ©  Mickaël A. Bandassak | 8. A-TRAVERS-MES-YEUX @Creations-Sabrina_Emilie-Demers_Chloe-Ouellet-Payeur_Myriam-Tremblay_Angelique-Delorme