Meeting with Dance Ireland
In order to expand our partnerships and members’ networks, the RQD is initiating meetings with dance organizations around the world. As a first meeting, the RQD met with Dance Ireland, the professional dance organization in Ireland, which works with the same issues and opportunities as our community. Both organizations work tirelessly to put dance artists and organizations first, understanding their needs and promoting an environment that allows them to reach their full potential.
We have shared our methods in training, consultation and advocacy. Dance Ireland has a team like RQD’s and is constantly working, as we are, to advance the professional dance sector. With the help of Dance Ireland, Ireland has launched a pilot project for a Guaranteed Income for artists and the RQD is keeping a close eye on this project to advocate for the same in Quebec. The new project aims to support the arts and creative practice by paying artists and arts workers 325 euros per week. The main objective of this program is to address the financial instability faced by many arts workers.
In the future, Dance Ireland aims to prioritize advocacy for dance artists, develop connections by building and strengthening relationships with its members, guide dance artists as they progress through their careers, and ensure a sustainable arts and cultural sector for future generations of artists. With similar plans, the RQD applauds the hard work of Dance Ireland and wishes them all the best, hoping to cross paths one day soon to continue working to promote the wonderful art of dance, which knows no boundaries.