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Discussion avec Jonzi D – Les pratiques hiphop sur scène


Édifice Wilder, Montréal

English will follow *

La communauté hip hop de Montréal, en collaboration avec 100lux, VicVersa et Tangente, a le plaisir d’accueillir Jonzi D à Montréal pour une semaine intensive d’ateliers et de discussions.

Dans le cadre de cette conférence, Helen Simard tiendra une conversation centrée sur le savoir-faire de Jonzi en tant que l’un des activistes les plus avant-gardistes du théâtre hip-hop au monde.

Nos principaux objectifs seront les suivants:

  • Formaliser la pratique informelle (les expériences des danseurs de rue en tant qu’attributs de création et de demande de financement);
  • Développer et partager notre vision et notre voix (méthodes de communication directe et pure en lien avec notre langage);
  • Pratiques et plateformes de théâtre international de hip hop.

Les membres de la communauté sont grandement invités à participer de façon active à la discussion.

*Location spécifique: Café/Bar de l’Espace Orange de l’Édifice Wilder


The Montreal hip hop theatre community, in collaboration with 100lux, VicVersa and Tangente, are pleased to welcome Jonzi D to Montreal for an intensive week of workshops and discussions.

This specific talk, hosted by Helen Simard, concentrates on Jonzi’s expertise as one of the world’s most forward-thinking activists of Hip Hop Theatre.

Our main focuses will be:

  • Formalizing informal practice (street dancers’ experiences as attributes for creation and applying for funding);
  • Developing & sharing our vision and voice (methods for direct and pure communication of our message);
  • International Hip Hop theatre practices and platforms.

Community members are welcome to actively participate in the discussion.

About Jonzi D:
An MC, dancer, spoken word artist and director, he is the foremost advocate for hip hop who has changed the profile and influenced the development of the UK British hip hop dance and theatre scene over the last two decades.
Since founding Breakin’ Convention in 2004 Jonzi has triumphed in raising the profile and giving a platform to hip hop disciplines, which has gained worldwide recognition as being at the vanguard of the development of the art form. Through professional development projects Open Art Surgery and Back to the Lab, Jonzi has supported hundreds of hip hop dance and rap/poetry artists on their journey to creating theatre.
His critically acclaimed works include 1995‘s Lyrikal Fearta, 1999’s Aeroplane Man, 2006’s TAG… Just Writing My Name, 2009’s Markus the Sadist and 2013’s The Letter: To Be Or To MBE? Jonzi’s has been featured in HBO’s Def Poetry Jam, had his short films Silence da Bitchin’ & Aeroplane Man screened on Channel 4, toured his work extensively all over the world and delivered his own TED Talk about the influence and evolution of hip hop culture.

Jonzi’s TED talk